Thoughts on teaching, technology, learning and life in an era of change.
Howard, Downer and the AWB Scandal
March 27th, 2006

How can Howard and Downer stay in office considering the revelations of the Cole Inquiry into the AWB kickbacks scandal? In previous governments the ministers responsible for the respective departments would have stood down. Years ago two ministers stepped down because a TV set was not declared at customs. In this instance $300 million was paid by the Australian Wheat Board to Saddam Hussein via a dodgy Jordanian trucking company to guarantee wheat sales to Iraq. Bribery. The Australian government was warned by a variety of organisations here and abroad that the AWB was up to no good. Howard and Downer deny they knew anything about it. Time to go Howard. Time to go Downer. You are both an embarrassment. It is so shameful to be an Australian these days. 

One Response to “Howard, Downer and the AWB Scandal”

  1. Tom Switzer On The Superhuman Powers Of John Howard « Under The Milky Way Says:

    [...] behind the family (ok AND J.W. Howard, Order Of The Stealth Bomber, AEI Centrefold for December and Special Consultant to the Australian Wheat Board) are [...]