Singapore, 2003.
Well, the week is over. It was hectic. No time for reading feeds. Just a couple of blog posts. Did engage in some Twitter repartee. That was good. For all of you that responded to various tweets and shouts during the last few days… thank you. This was my week…
Monday AM: Interview and video recording
Monday PM: 2 hour presentation ~ The Read~Write Web in the Classroom
Tuesday: Workshop ~ Getting started with the Read~Write Web (8 hours)
Wednesday: Workshop ~ Nurturing your Networks (8 hours)
Wednesday: Presentation @ eFest2008 ~ LMS and Web 2.0 Technologies (Evening)
Thursday: Workshop ~ Getting more out of your RSS feeds (8 hours)
Thursday: Evening: ME@N Meetup ~ Macintosh Evangelists at Nanyang
Friday: Workshop: Podcasting and Vodcasting (8 hours)
Friday: Evening: Fly home to Australia from Singapore Changi International Airport
It was hard going at times, yet, I kept finding a second wind. I felt I would hit the wall and then my energy levels would be restored. Teaching teachers is energising and enriching.
Last night, after the workshop had completed, I took a bus and train from the NTU campus into the city. As I walked from City Hall MRT across to Singapore’s Suntec City to meet up with my buddies in ME@N I felt mindful. You know, those rare moments when you are completely at peace with the world. The word nirvana crossed my mind. I was wearing my iPod and I was listening to Jeff Martin’s cover of a song by Daniel Lanois, I Love You. It is a live version that segues into The Messenger. The moment was so complete. I felt happy.
Today’s podcasting and vodcasting workshop was good. Everything worked. Podcasting can be an inexact science at times due to the vagaries of servers and networks. All the teachers and academic staff managed to:
1. Create their audio and video projects
2. Publish/upload their files
3. Subscribe to the ‘casts in iTunes and Google Reader for good measure
The timing was good. I had time for lunch and some administrative activities.
This evening a group of former colleagues at the CED and I shall be sharing dinner at the airport. They are all wonderful people. I feel as if I have been adopted by the team. A member of their family.
Wish you were here too.