Thoughts on teaching, technology, learning and life in an era of change.
The end of the school year beckons…
November 11th, 2008

Preparing for exams
[Source: Wikipedia: Factory farming]

This may seem premature yet the end of the school year is fast approaching. The last day of school is the 18th December. More than five weeks away. The students will probably complete their academic school year during the previous week. The final week is taken up with presentations, parent interviews and professional development.

This week our students in Years 7 to 10 are undertaking their final examinations. The weeks leading up to these examinations involved catch-up lessons, revision, summary notes, practice tests, and similar. It has been rather frenetic. This time of year always seems so far away yet it creeps up on you and the students are sitting for the final examinations.

The driven students seek additional trial tests, opportunities for revision and those elusive hints. Other students do not seem to have a worry in the world. Some of my students went on a holiday during the week leading up to the exams. How is that for a carefree, laissez-faire attitude? Have you witnessed that in your teaching career?

So, examinations for years 7 to 10. Only the students in Year 10 are sitting for an external examination. The NSW School Certificate. The majority of the Year 10 students were keen. Yet, a number of the students know that they will be returning to Year 11 regardless of the result that they achieve in the School Certificate. There is something fundamentally awry with that. What do you think? I suspect that the School Certificate will be no longer in the not too distant future.

After this week the teachers will be marking exams, writing reports and meeting deadlines. The students are aware that although the school year is not yet over the assessment programme has been completed. I see some of you have a wry smile on your face. Some educators have labelled this time of year “the silly season”. That does not sound too good. I know a number of the parents would not be too impressed to hear that. Particularly fee paying parents.

During this time of the year the teachers have to be really on their game. This is when you unearth the interesting lessons and the intriguing projects. That is awry as well. We should be engaging in the really creative and interesting strategies during the course of the year but the examinations act like a finishing line that we must cross at all costs. The examinations sometimes force us to adopt factory farming strategies to force feed the students. There are students and parents that almost demand it. “Fill up my brain with factual fodder so that I can get an A“.

Examinations. I have mixed emotions about them. Certainly professionals and students training to be in a role in which the lives and safety of individuals are at stake should pass through a testing regime of some form. Yet, students in an academic environment where progression from one year to the next is a given should not have to waste their time with a period of examinations not unlike those undertaken by my parents back in 1932. Surely their competencies and skills can be measured by other assessment methods.

I confessed I have mixed emotions about examinations. Quizzes and tests seemingly have their place in some contexts. A number of the students actually enjoy them. Others do not. Some students enjoy the competition. Others do not.

How do you feel about examinations? Does your school also experience a period during the academic year when all assessment is complete yet the students still have a few weeks of school to attend? Are your students assessed right up until the last day of the school year? If so when do you create your reports, etc?

What shall I be undertaking with my students during November and December? I hope to explore a few technologies with a number of the classes. Of course there are the students who take advantage of the situation and ‘play the game’. Who can blame them? Good luck to them. I shall endeavour to be one step ahead and make sure that they derive value during these last few weeks of the year. We have considerable latitude in what and how we teach during these weeks.

If you were I how would you be teaching the students during the coming weeks? 

2 Responses to “The end of the school year beckons…”

  1. Pat Says:

    Does your school year end in December or is it the last day before holidays? Do they start a new grade in January? How long is your school year? Here in South Carolina, we start in August and go through June.

  2. John Larkin Says:

    Hi Pat, thank you for the comment. Yes, our school year ends in December and recommences during the last week of January. We have four terms, ten weeks each that run through a single calendar year. They begin their new grade in January.

    The students know that all the marks are in the system and on top of that they know that they will be progressing up to the next grade regardless. It is not the most ideal of scenarios. Cheers, John.