Thoughts on teaching, technology, learning and life in an era of change.

Archive for January, 2009

A New Year begins
January 1st, 2009

A new year begins. Well, the year has commmenced on an excellent note. Today Shao Ping and I visited our good friends John and Pauline for a barbecue.

A number of their friends were there as well as John’s father and sister. The food was great, the weather was perfect and life is good.

We imbibed somewhat as well. We all conversed on topics as diverse as TESOL, university days, astronomy, the fortunate demise of John Howard, the disappointing performance of Kevin Rudd, immature employees, ice ages, project management, working overseas, happy coincidences, birth, coping strategies, murders in our streets, losing your mojo and more.

We had a great day! Thanks John and Pauline!

A very Happy New Year to you all, in particular my loyal band of readers! All aboard for 2009!