Thoughts on teaching, technology, learning and life in an era of change.

Archive for April, 2006

Nikon D70 getting serviced
April 26th, 2006

My Nikon D70 is getting cleaned. Yesterday some dust got into the camera when I was changing lenses and the cleaning job is a bit too tricky for me. I did some research on the Internet and decided it was best to get a professional to do the job.

Anyway I dropped into Wollongong Camera House in the mall in Crown Street, Wollongong and asked if they could clean the camera. They said they could not. I took off the cover on the camera body and I mentioned it was simply dust and probably not the sensor. As I took off the cover the shop assistant exclaimed repeatedly like a little child, “No, no, no, no!” She was so peculiar and her reaction resulted in my comment “Is there anyone in Wollongong who can repair a camera?” That is the last time I go to Wollongong Camera House. She was ignorant of her business. They sell digital cameras. They should at least know what is involved in cleaning and servicing the product that they sell.

We went to Jens Madsen in upper Crown Street. The service was excellent and they knew what they were talking about. The camera will be in good hands.

Placed a counter on the menu page
April 4th, 2006

I placed a counter on the menu page. I used the ‘control panel’ facility that is part of the web hosting arrangement. Well, two hits so far. I am curious to see how many hits the site gets.

Experiment with Google Advertising
April 4th, 2006

I have registered with Google AdSense and added some Google adverts at the base of a number of pages. I am curious to see just how much revenue the adverts generate. If they generate any income I shall use that to pay for the web space hosting.

Additional scripts and links
April 2nd, 2006

I added some scripts that redirect users to the home page in the event of broken links, frame issues and missing pages. I placed some significant links on the home page for easy access.

Who are these six AIF POWs?
April 1st, 2006

My father had this photograph of six AIF diggers taken at Ohamma, Japan on or about the 21st August, 1945. This was following their liberation. Can anyone help me with their names?