Thoughts on teaching, technology, learning and life in an era of change.
February 5th, 2005

Crikey. Bringing down governments since 1999. Well, this independent news service has just been sold. It was always worth a look to check out the archives.

2 Responses to “Crikey”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    who bought ‘em? Rupert? Gosh, even Malaysia has Singapore only has cocky satire…..
    -cock’a doodle duck-

  2. John Larkin Says:

    Who sold it? Stephen Mayne. Who bought it?

    “But if Mayne is “spent”, as he declared yesterday, he is also cashed up. The gadfly, whose website, Crikey, is an online water cooler of sorts in media, political and business circles, has sold his baby to Private Media Partners, owned by Eric Beecher and Di Gribble.” Sydney Morning Herald. 5th Feb 2005.