Thoughts on teaching, technology, learning and life in an era of change.
Oz-Educators Flash Meeting
April 12th, 2008

Well, that was a surprise. I whipped across to Twitter not long ago and I observed a sequence of messages between Sue Tapp, Jess McCulloch and Sue Wyatt regarding a Flash Meeting. I signed up and jumped on board. There were eight teachers in the meeting at one stage… Sue Tapp, Jess McCulloch, Sue Wyatt, Sarah Stewart, NRWatkins, Simon Brown, Fiona and myself.

It was the first time many of us had used Flash Meeting. I quite enjoyed the spontaneity of it all. These asynchronous tools require a little self discipline and the evolution of protocols. A bit like CB-radio. “10-4 Good Buddy” and all that.

We chatted about potential uses and planned for regular meetings as a forum for Australian and New Zealand educators interested in regional issues down here, underneath the planet. We all reside down here, downunder, and like Atlas we prop up the rest of the edublogosphere with our solid foundations and matter of fact approach to education and the classroom. Hey! Hey! Thanks for setting it up Sue! Legend.

6 Responses to “Oz-Educators Flash Meeting”

  1. sarah stewart Says:

    Thanks for this. I am constantly trying to get people in the UK to think about us down-under so its good that we make our own opportunities. cheers sarah

  2. Jess McCulloch Says:

    I love that you said we prop up the rest of the edublogosphere. Ah, they would be nothing without us! Was great to meet you in the flash meeting. Thanks for posting one of my most flattering photos! ;-) I think once it gets going, Oz Educators could be a great little group. Watch out edublogosphere I say!

  3. John Larkin Says:

    Thank you for the comments Sarah and Jess. It was a good experience indeed. The informality and ease of conversation was good. There was no need for an icebreaker. The connections already existed.

    Yes, I feel that we do set a good example for teachers all around the world. Cheers, John.

  4. Paul Harrington Says:

    Hi John,
    I was listening in from up here on the top of the world in Wales. I have become an honorary antipodean I think. I very much want to help promote the use of flashmeeting amongst teachers globally as a means of communication and professional development, and look forward to joining in the conversation again soon.

  5. John Larkin Says:

    Hi Paul,

    Thank you for the input. Sorry about leaving you out of the loop. I guess we do have a link in that I a “new south welshmen”. Let’s hope there is another meeting soon.

    School recommences in NSW tomorrow. I have just returned from a quick holiday in the country. Presently psyching myself up for the first lessons in the morning.


  6. An evening with Dean Groom, PBL, SL and OzNZ PPL Says:

    [...] participated in what I believe was the first OzNZ flash meeting back in April. That was a interesting experience as [...]